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How to Use JuiceFS CSI Driver in Nomad


This feature requires JuiceFS CSI Driver version 0.13.2 and above.

Install JuiceFS CSI Driver


  1. Nomad v0.12.0 or greater.

  2. Enable privileged Docker jobs. If your Nomad client configuration does not already specify a Docker plugin configuration, this minimal one will allow privileged containers. Add it to your Nomad client configuration and restart Nomad.

    plugin "docker" {
    config {
    allow_privileged = true

Install CSI Controller

Save the following configuration as a file csi-controller.nomad:

job "jfs-controller" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "system"

group "controller" {
task "plugin" {
driver = "docker"

config {
image = "juicedata/juicefs-csi-driver:v0.14.1"

args = [

privileged = true

csi_plugin {
id = "juicefs0"
type = "controller"
mount_dir = "/csi"
resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 512
env {
POD_NAME = "csi-controller"

Run CSI Controller job:

$ nomad job run csi-controller.nomad
==> 2022-03-14T17:00:20+08:00: Monitoring evaluation "2287baf7"
2022-03-14T17:00:20+08:00: Evaluation triggered by job "jfs-controller"
2022-03-14T17:00:20+08:00: Allocation "00806191" created: node "0673a790", group "controller"
==> 2022-03-14T17:00:21+08:00: Monitoring evaluation "2287baf7"
2022-03-14T17:00:21+08:00: Allocation "00806191" status changed: "pending" -> "running" (Tasks are running)
2022-03-14T17:00:21+08:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2022-03-14T17:00:21+08:00: Evaluation "2287baf7" finished with status "complete"

Run command nomad job status jfs-controller to check if CSI Controller runs successfully:

$ nomad job status jfs-controller
ID = jfs-controller
Name = jfs-controller
Submit Date = 2022-03-14T17:00:20+08:00
Type = system
Priority = 50
Datacenters = dc1
Namespace = default
Status = running
Periodic = false
Parameterized = false

Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost
controller 0 0 1 0 0 0

ID Node ID Task Group Version Desired Status Created Modified
00806191 0673a790 controller 0 run running 31m47s ago 31m42s ago

In the above output, if the Allocation status is running, it means CSI Controller runs successfully.

Install CSI Node

Save the following configuration as a file csi-node.nomad:

job "jfs-node" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "system"

group "nodes" {
task "juicefs-plugin" {
driver = "docker"

config {
image = "juicedata/juicefs-csi-driver:v0.14.1"

args = [

privileged = true

csi_plugin {
id = "juicefs0"
type = "node"
mount_dir = "/csi"
resources {
cpu = 1000
memory = 1024
env {
POD_NAME = "csi-node"

Run CSI Node job:

$ nomad job run csi-node.nomad
==> 2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00: Monitoring evaluation "31d7ed49"
2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00: Evaluation triggered by job "jfs-node"
2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00: Allocation "047a1386" created: node "0673a790", group "nodes"
2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00: Evaluation "31d7ed49" finished with status "complete"

Run command nomad job status jfs-node to check if CSI Node runs successfully:

$ nomad job status jfs-node
ID = jfs-node
Name = jfs-node
Submit Date = 2022-03-14T17:01:15+08:00
Type = system
Priority = 50
Datacenters = dc1
Namespace = default
Status = running
Periodic = false
Parameterized = false

Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost
nodes 0 0 1 0 0 0

ID Node ID Task Group Version Desired Status Created Modified
047a1386 0673a790 nodes 0 run running 28m41s ago 28m35s ago

In the above output, if the Allocation status is running, it means CSI Node runs successfully.

Create Volume

Community edition

Save the following configuration as a file volume.hcl:

type = "csi"
id = "juicefs-volume"
name = "juicefs-volume"

capability {
access_mode = "multi-node-multi-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
plugin_id = "juicefs0"

secrets {
  • name: The JuiceFS file system name.
  • metaurl: Connection URL for metadata engine (e.g. Redis). Read this document for more information.
  • storage: Object storage type, such as s3, gs, oss. Read this document for the full supported list.
  • bucket: Bucket URL. Read this document to learn how to setup different object storage.
  • access-key: Access key.
  • secret-key: Secret key.

Create volume:

$ nomad volume create volume.hcl
Created external volume juicefs-volume with ID juicefs-volume

Cloud service edition

Save the following configuration as a file volume.hcl:

type = "csi"
id = "juicefs-volume"
name = "juicefs-volume"

capability {
access_mode = "multi-node-multi-writer"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
plugin_id = "juicefs0"

secrets {
  • name: JuiceFS file system name
  • token: JuiceFS managed token. Read this document for more details.
  • access-key: Object storage access key
  • secret-key: Object storage secret key

Create volume:

$ nomad volume create volume.hcl
Created external volume juicefs-volume with ID juicefs-volume

Use volume in app

After the volume is created, it can be used in the application. For details, please refer to official documentation. Such as:

job "demo" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
group "node" {
count = 1

volume "cache-volume" {
type = "csi"
source = "juicefs-volume"
attachment_mode = "file-system"
access_mode = "multi-node-multi-writer"

network {
port "db" {
to = 8000

task "nginx" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "nginx"
ports = ["db"]
resources {
cpu = 500
memory = 256

volume_mount {
volume = "cache-volume"
destination = "/data/job"

Run job:

$ nomad job run job.nomad
==> 2022-03-14T17:11:54+08:00: Monitoring evaluation "e45504d5"
2022-03-14T17:11:54+08:00: Evaluation triggered by job "demo"
2022-03-14T17:11:54+08:00: Allocation "1ccca0b4" created: node "0673a790", group "node"
==> 2022-03-14T17:11:55+08:00: Monitoring evaluation "e45504d5"
2022-03-14T17:11:55+08:00: Evaluation within deployment: "e603f13e"
2022-03-14T17:11:55+08:00: Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> 2022-03-14T17:11:55+08:00: Evaluation "e45504d5" finished with status "complete"
==> 2022-03-14T17:11:55+08:00: Monitoring deployment "e603f13e"
✓ Deployment "e603f13e" successful

ID = e603f13e
Job ID = demo
Job Version = 0
Status = successful
Description = Deployment completed successfully

Task Group Desired Placed Healthy Unhealthy Progress Deadline
node 1 1 1 0 2022-03-14T17:22:08+08:00

After the job runs successfully, you can check whether JuiceFS is mounted successfully:

$ nomad alloc exec -i -t 1ccca0b4 bash
root@159f51ab7ea5:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay 40G 8.7G 29G 24% /
tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
shm 64M 0 64M 0% /dev/shm
/dev/vda1 40G 8.7G 29G 24% /local
tmpfs 1.0M 0 1.0M 0% /secrets
JuiceFS:juicefs-volume 1.0P 4.0K 1.0P 1% /data/job
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /proc/acpi
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /proc/scsi
tmpfs 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /sys/firmware